3e Symposium annuel sur l'énergie à Cumberland

Springhill Nouvelle-Écosse

The Third Annual Cumberland Energy Symposium will be held Thursday, May 24th.  Robert Cervelli, Executive Directory and Andrea Vandenboer, Project Manager and Filmmaker, will be presenting a documentary film on […]

Comment nous prospérons

Université Mount St Vincent, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse

4 days. 200 inspired Nova Scotians. Skills & strategies for a future that works for all. How We THRIVE is an experiment in "just doing it." It began with a few people […]

Lien commun 2018

Université Harris-Stowe, St. Louis, MO MO, États-Unis

The New Economy Coalition (NEC) is holding its 3rd Common Bound - a large international events of new economy organizations.  The Centre for Local Prosperity is a proud member of […]

Avis de tempête

Havre de paix CT, États-Unis

Storm Warnings is a unique series of events developed by the Centre that combine the science of climate change with the artistry that touches, opens and connects the human heart […]

Le changement climatique et l’avenir de l’humanité

Salle communautaire du musée Hopewell Cape 3940, Route 114, Hopewell Cape, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada

A screening of the 40-minute documentary film by Centre for Local Prosperity Climate Change and the Human Prospect will screen at 7:00 pm. The film documents the vision created at the Centre for Local […]

EconoUs 2018

Hôtel Delta Beauséjour Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada

EconoUs2018 offre une occasion exceptionnelle de : nouer des liens avec des leaders de l’innovation sociale de partout au Canada qui partagent une passion pour la création d’économies communautaires fortes et inclusives ; découvrir des stratégies pour générer des résultats positifs […]
