Wholistic Well Being: A New Look at Our Economy with Mark Anielski

Centre For Local Prosperity
Centre For Local Prosperity
Wholistic Well Being: A New Look at Our Economy with Mark Anielski

Please join CLP as we talk to Mark Anielski. Mark is President and Chief Well-being Officer of Anielski Management Inc. an economic-consultancy specializing in the economics of happiness and well-being in Edmonton, Alberta. In the podcast he brings a unique and practical perspective to measuring progress and success. In his work he uses a model he developed called Genuine Wealth. We discuss the basis of orienting our lives towards a good life means measuring performance and progress in terms of conditions of well-being of mind, body, spirit and the natural environment.

“As Buckminster Fuller said how are we going to change a system by designing something more compelling than the current one.” (Mark Anielski)
