2023 Thinkers Reunion: From the great unraveling towards a great turning

2023 Thinkers Reunion: From the great unraveling towards a great turning

Since 2017, CLP has conducted retreats at the historic Thinkers Lodge with invited groups of Thinkers from around the world to engage in deep and brave conversations about both the climate and nuclear crises.  Content from these past retreats can be viewed under the rest of this Climate Change menu tab.

Many of these past 160 Thinkers gathered in a reunion held at Thinkers Lodge and related venues from October 19-22, 2023, in a hybrid onsite and virtual format.

The discussion framing for this Thinkers Reunion cut to the quick:  Civilizations and ecosystems as we know them are destabilizing.  Critical thresholds are being crossed, moving us all into a Great Unraveling.  Yet, there are seeds being sown for a Great Turning. 

Thinkers undertook critical conversations on finding courage to grasp these losses with clarity and exploring pathways and actions for a new role for humanity on our planet.

This gathering activated this global network of Thinkers who understand and will undertake the type of transformative and regenerative work critically needed for humanity in these times.


For more information on the 30 minute documentary film and hosting a group screening, visit: From a Great Unraveling towards a Great Turning.

On Thursday, October 19, several Thinkers attended a special announcement at the Pugwash District High School. The school announced that they are the first high school in Canada to declare themselves a nuclear weapons free zone.

A plaque has been installed in the high school with the following wording:

The threat of nuclear weapons harming all life on Earth is simply too great to ignore and due to this, the students, faculty, and school community of Pugwash District High School hereby declare our school as a nuclear-weapon-free zone. We collectively oppose the use of nuclear weapons and call for total disarmament.


A Roster of all past Thinkers who attended the eleven retreats since 2017 can be found here.

Additional outcomes from this Reunion, including film and written word, will be posted on this site in the coming weeks.

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