Thinkers Lodge Summit on Nuclear and Climate Crises

Thinkers Lodge Summit on Nuclear and Climate Crises

Two minute documentary trailer. See full documentary below.

In 1955, Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell issued a manifesto calling for a halt to nuclear proliferation. It represented the siren call to action, and precipitated the 1957 Pugwash Conference, which acted as a catalyst for the ongoing Pugwash Movement. Thinkers Lodge National Historic Site, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada remains as the site of this original conference and holds Joseph Rotblat’s 1995 Nobel Peace Prize that he shared with the Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs for work to end nuclear proliferation.

Today, Thinkers Lodge continues to act as a centre for deep and brave conversations about these existential threats. Since 2017, focused retreats of invited Thinkers have gathered there to inspire others on paths forward for humanity’s role in the climate crisis and our relationship to our planetary home. It is now time for a larger and broader summit to grapple with and resolve the compounded complexities of the double existential crises that we face today.

The Centre for Local Prosperity, in partnership with Thinkers Lodge, has invited requisite stakeholders and collaborating partners to a 5 1/2 day semi-virtual global summit from September 19 to October 3, 2021 – Thinkers Lodge Summit on Nuclear and Climate Crises.

We gathered 21 leading global voices and thought leaders on nuclear nonproliferation and effective adaptive responses to the climate crisis. Invitees represented an inclusive mix of ages, gender, background and experience with these issues. This Summit was focused on cross-learnings, public awareness building, advocacy and multi-level means for change.

A 15 minute documentary film was produced from this Summit:

Summit Documentary (15 Minutes)

The Summit itself was a closed retreat for deep and brave conversations with the invited Thinkers. The following webinars and features occurred as public aspects of the Summit.

Pre-Summit Discussion Webinars with Thinkers

Humanity and 76 years of Nuclear Threat
with Kennette Benedict, Tara Drozdenko, Shane Ward and Host Robert Cervelli

Kennette Benedict, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (famous for the Doomsday Clock), and Tara Drozdenko, Outrider Foundation (known for their video How to Dismantle a Nuclear Bomb), are both well versed in the nuclear and climate threats.  Shane Ward joins them representing International Student/Young Pugwash.  He is currently an intern with the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.

Our Global Climate, Our Human Prospect
with Jim Abraham, William Rees, Shalini Kathirgamanathan and Host Robert Cervelli

Jim Abraham, a meteorologist with a focus on weather extremes during his career with Environment Canada, and William Rees, a ecological economist at Univ. of British Columbia, are both deeply involved in these issues and bring a broad historical perspective. Shalini Kathirgamanathan is a Junior Planner for the Strategic Policy Branch at Environment Climate Change Canada.

Bringing Global Realities into the Classroom
with Adam Fenech, Mitchel Wallerstein, Walter Dorn and Host Robert Cervelli

Mitchel Wallerstein is President Emeritus of Baruch College of the City University of New York where he teaches both on international security and global climate change.  Adam Fenech is Director of the University of Prince Edward Island’s Climate Research Lab and was one of the authors of the first 1988 IPCC report.  Walter Dorn is Professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) and the Canadian Forces College (CFC), where he teaches in Canada and 20 other countries specializing in arms control and peace operations.

Feature Article Interviews with Thinkers

Climate Grief: Up Close and Personal

The dispute over climate change is over. As we bear witness to the ongoing impacts to planet Earth, how do we contend with what we’ve lost and an unknowable future? Interviews with Amita Kuttner, Lily Barraclough and Melanie Zurba.

Nuclear Weapons: Forgotten, not Gone

Nuclear weapons are capable of more destruction than ever before and remain inextricably integrated into national strategies. Have we all forgotten? With Bhreagh McKinnon, Talia Weiss and Jessica Budlong.

Catastrophic Risks to our Civilization

What is the nature of Humankind that they can so easily ignore the obvious? What are the whys that makes this so possible? With Nancy Covington and Natalya Samoylovskaya.

Information on Invited Thinkers – Virtual & Virtual-Onsite

Partners for this Summit include:

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